Water damage is considered one of the most destructive threats to a vehicle if not addressed properly. It can corrupt the interior, damage the electrical system, or even kill the engine. It could also cause rusting in the long run, weakening the car’s structure and reducing its lifespan. In the following article, we will assist you in assessing the damage and provide guidance on what to do immediately after experiencing such an event.

While an accurate assessment on the spot is nearly impossible, the better you know your car, the more informed your initial guess can be. In fact, no car is entirely waterproof, but your car’s type and model can have a significant impact on the flood damage the vehicle has received. For example, an SUV that is built to handle tougher conditions will cope much better than a convertible sports car manufactured for flat highways. Some of these cars even offer additional protective features like having a sealed electrical component for additional water resistance.

You can sell any car in Dubai online and hassle-free, all while getting a fair price for it.

Figuring out what is damaged

Before even doing anything, if you have insurance just call them right away as they will guide you through the correct procedures in this situation. If you do not have insurance that covers flood damage, then keep reading as we will guide you through the steps of getting the best outcomes. First, you mustn’t attempt to start your flooded car. The best practice is to determine the highest level that the floodwater has reached beforehand. For that, you can simply look for water level marks on the exterior of your car which will probably be very visible. As for the inside, check for dampness to get a general idea of water intrusion. You should also consider the type of floodwater that has affected your vehicle. Seawater’s salt content accelerates the corrosion which will potentially total your car and make getting a replacement far more economical. Freshwater damage on the other hand is less severe and can often be repaired if proper procedures are taken.

What to Do Next

An absolutely essential step before starting the engine is verifying there’s no water lurking inside the engine block. If water has leaked in, starting the engine could force it to circulate throughout connected components, significantly complicating the repair process and making it more pricy. To check for water intrusion, the oil dipstick is your go-to. Lookout for an oil level that is noticeably higher than usual. Remember, oil floats on top of water. So, a rise in oil level could be a sign of water presence. Finally, don’t neglect a quick visual inspection of the engine bay. Look for any signs of obvious damage to engine components. This initial check can help you make a more informed decision about how to proceed, whether it’s calling a tow truck or driving cautiously to a repair shop.

Taking Your Vehicle to the Repair Shop

After you have assessed whether it’s safe to turn on the car, prioritize finding a reputable repair shop with proven experience handling flood damage. Their expertise is ideal for guaranteeing the best possible outcome for your vehicle. When it comes to transportation, the decision depends on your car’s condition. If you can start it safely and you feel comfortable driving it, head straight to the chosen repair shop. If you have any doubts about the car’s safety, don’t hesitate to call a tow truck. The towing professionals will ensure the vehicle reaches the shop securely.

When the vehicle reaches the repair shop, a specialist will examine your car to pinpoint the extent of the damage. Following the inspection, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining the car’s condition and all the necessary repairs to get it back on the road.

The Conclusion; Go With the Repairs or Head to the Dump

Before diving into pricey repairs, knowing your car’s value is a very important thing to do. Repairs can sometimes outweigh the car’s worth, turning this fixing process into a financial dead end. In such a scenario, selling the car for scrap and finding a new or used vehicle can be a wiser choice and make better economic sense.

Keep in mind that you can get a precise car valuation in Dubai prior to selling your vehicle.